Knowing what information to share with the Business about your Support Function can be challenging... but it's critical. Ríos joins me for this conversation on what makes up a great report that people will love to read and the best practices in making reports that fuel your Organization!

Andrew is a technologist, runner, and passionate CX leader with 25 years of experience.  He has played every position on a customer experience team and built world-class global support teams at startups and Fortune 100 companies such as Megapath, Fitbit, Cisco, and Turntide Technologies.  He is passionate about career development and the professional growth of CX leaders and teams.

Andrew, most people call him “Ríos” is currently the founder of RIOS MGMT where he coaches CX and Support Leaders as well as offers Interview prep and job search sessions for CX, Support Leaders, and anyone playing any role on a support team.  

If you are just starting your Support Leader career or a 15-year professional looking for some pro tips regarding a specific challenge.  He can help you and offers coaching services ranging from single pro tip sessions to ongoing relationships.

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